Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Car Theft Prevention

Research has revealed that 3 out of 4 American vehicle owners do not have utilities to prevent car theft installed on their vehicles. And - as if this wasn't enough - only one out of four who have these tools installed are actually not activating them on a regular basis. We know that motorcar thieves are operating today as they have done as long as there has been cars. We also know that car theft protection utilities can prevent this kind of crime as well as other crimes like burglaries and vandalism.

Prevent thieves from getting into your vehicle

Vehicle alarms are one of the most common security installation in a motorcar today Many auto owners have already got them, and more and more are doing it. Most auto alarm systems are equipped with motion sensors as well as impact sensors. When sombody is trying to steal the vehicle a loud siren or series of tones in the 120-decibel range is activated. High quality auto alarms today arm themselves automatically when you leave the vehicle and include an automatic kill switch (see below). They also flash the headlights and honk the horn in addition to sounding the siren.

Another car stealing prevention facility is a Steering Wheel Lock. This is a long metal bar with a lock that fits on the steering wheel. When this is activated it prevents the steering wheel from being turned. It also discourage thieves from stealing the automobile, as it is very visual from the outside of the vehicle. This device represents an Inexpensive way to keep would-be thieves away.

Prevent thieves from moving your car

If the thieves for some reason have already broken in to the vehicle, armored collars will prevent them from breaking into the steering column to hot-wire the vehicle. It goes without saying that this device almost make it impossible for thieves to get the vehicle running, thus prevent the motorcar stealing

A more technically advanced way of preventing the engine to start are kill switches, which prevent the flow of electricity or fuel to the engine. Starter disablers serve the same function. The switch is normally hidden in the vehicle and it must be flipped on for the auto to start. These security devices are effective, inexpensive and no big deal to install.

Another car anti-theft device is an electronic key pre-installed by the vehicle manufacturer, which allow the vehicle to operate only with a correctly coded key. This system is invisible to thieves, easy to use and very reliable.

Let's say the thives have been able to get the engine going, can you still have some facilities installed that prevent them from stealing it? Yes, install tire locks. These make the motorcar nearly impossible to move. These locks are similar to the circular steel "boots" used by many larger city police departments. This device significantly hampers thieves who are looking to make a quick getaway and are also visable from the outside of the vehicle, and very effective in discouraging would-be thieves.

Prevent the thieves from getting far

Now, let's say that the thives for some mysterious reason have been able to steal your vehicle. You can say goodbye to your beloved vehicle forever, you may think. Rethink that! With electronic tracking devices installed in your automobile, the police are already on the alert. I am speaking about an electronic transmitter hidden in the car and emits a signal that is picked up by the police or a monitoring station. So don't panic - help is on the way.

The thieves must be deterred

The best anti-theft effort however, is to discourage the thieves from even touching your vehicle. Etching the auto's identification number into the base of the windshield as well as other parts of the vehicle discourages the bandits from stealing it and also aids in recovering the automobile if it is stolen. This make your vehicle not so attractive to thieves.

The most inexpensive way to prevent your auto from being stolen is to apply decals identifying that the vehicle is protected by either an auto alarm system or a vehcile theft prevention company. I will not recommend that you base your car anti-theft system on this bluff only, but rather steer you towards more technically advanced auto security devices which can ultimately prevent the theft of your car.

Terje Brooks Ellingsen is a writer and internet publisher. He runs the website Terje gives advice and helps people with automotive issues like finding auto accessories online as well as vehicle insurance

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